Real-world personal-safety systems used by police


For anyone who deals with conflict in the workplace or at home…

Get Access To My Verbal Defense Tips and Learn How “Experts” Often Get It Wrong

My name is Dave Young, the founder of Arma Training, US Fighting Systems and Your Family Defense – and a director at the Vistelar Group.

Since 1972 I have been concerned about defending against verbal abuse — initially for for my own safety (due to the neighborhoods in which I grew up), then as a police officer and, more recently, for my own children.

I’ve heard the advice of so-called experts and, frankly, most of it is a bunch of nonsense.

The sad truth is that ignoring the problem won’t solve it.

In the military, police, corrections and my personal life I have been forced to adapt to and find effective solutions for defending against verbal abuse while keeping my head. Through all of these experiences, I’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge about verbal defense that is proven to work in the real-world.

So I decided to develop an ongoing series of Verbal Defense Tips and put up this page so people could access them from one place.

If you’ve ever been the victim of verbal abuse, you should access these tips so you know what to do to protect your self-esteem.

Just fill out the form below, press Submit, and you’ll start to receive our Verbal Defense Tips emails.

To your emotional well-being,

Dave Young


Get access to the information you MUST know about verbal defense and how to handle confrontation. Just fill out the form below, press Submit and get access to our verbal defense tips email newsletter.

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